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 Dolly Parton 2007 - All I Can Do-New Harvest.First Gathering

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

ذكر عدد الرسائل : 292
العمر : 36
تاريخ التسجيل : 27/10/2007

Dolly Parton 2007 - All I Can Do-New Harvest.First Gathering Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Dolly Parton 2007 - All I Can Do-New Harvest.First Gathering   Dolly Parton 2007 - All I Can Do-New Harvest.First Gathering I_icon_minitimeالأربعاء نوفمبر 14, 2007 2:19 pm

EXclusive Dolly Parton 2007 - All I Can Do-New Harvest.First Gathering

Dolly Parton 2007 - All I Can Do-New Harvest.First Gathering Img-resized مصغرة بنسبة : 62% من الحجم الأصلي [ 640 x 640 ] - إضغط هنا لعرض الحجم الأصلي
Dolly Parton 2007 - All I Can Do-New Harvest.First Gathering Frontjz8

Dolly Parton 2007 - All I Can Do-New Harvest.First Gathering Img-resized مصغرة بنسبة : 62% من الحجم الأصلي [ 640 x 640 ] - إضغط هنا لعرض الحجم الأصلي
Dolly Parton 2007 - All I Can Do-New Harvest.First Gathering Insidefn3

Dolly Parton 2007 - All I Can Do-New Harvest.First Gathering Img-resized مصغرة بنسبة : 62% من الحجم الأصلي [ 640 x 634 ] - إضغط هنا لعرض الحجم الأصلي
Dolly Parton 2007 - All I Can Do-New Harvest.First Gathering Cdnf2

Track Listings:

1. All I Can Do
2. Fire That Keeps You Warm
3. When the Sun Goes Down Tomorrow
4. I'm a Drifter
5. Falling Out of Love with Me
6. Shattered Image
7. Boulder to Birmingham
8. Preacher Tom
9. Life's Like Poetry
10. Hey, Lucky Lady
11. Light of a Clear Blue Morning
12. Applejack
13. My Girl (My Love)
14. Holdin' on to You
15. You Are
16. How Does It Feel
17. Where Beauty Lives in Memory
18. (Your Love Has Lifted Me) Higher and Higher
19. Getting in My Way
20. There

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Dolly Parton 2007 - All I Can Do-New Harvest.First Gathering
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